Job Site Storage Las Vegas NV
Secure construction job site storage in Las Vegas, NV is an absolute necessity with all the new projects going up all the time. Whether the city is expanding for more residential homes or working on its next state-of-the-art resort, there’s always something going on in Vegas. For decades, we’ve been providing portable steel containers for job site construction storage that businesses can rely on to protect their materials and equipment no matter the location or the weather.
Job Site Construction Storage You Can Count On
The desert gets hot, even if it’s easy to forget when you’re surrounded by gardens and resorts. Thankfully, we offer several double-door storage containers that provide great air circulation during loading and unloading on those painfully warm days. Beyond that, you can always depend on Haulaway containers to offer totally secure job site storage regardless of where in Las Vegas a project is centered. All of our containers are secure, but if you’d like the highest level of security in the industry, opt for a 20′ or 40′ steel model with our patented “Rhino Locking System” to get the job done. All units are made from 14-gauge steel and offer:
- Wind and water protection
- Single or double-ended doors
- Hard wood and steel floors
- A secure locking system
- And much more
Better yet, you don’t have to worry about pickup or dropoff — we’ll take care of that for you, sometimes by the next business day. Schedule your job site construction storage in advance and have it delivered wherever you need it, when you need it, so you can store everything right on site to save time and energy every day.
Our motto is simple: service, service, service! Your satisfaction is always our top priority and we are proud to offer free estimates, so please call anytime with inquiries. We serve locations throughout the Western United States and continually provide job site storage and service to Las Vegas and the surrounding areas, and we’ll be happy to drop off a container at your construction site. Contact us today!